Sport England August 2022
Sport England have utilised data from the Moving Communities platform to report a Social Value one-pager. They were able to report that between August 2021 - July 2022 the average social value per person across the sector was £114. The report also concluded that total health savings as a consequence of physical activity at leisure centres amounted to £167 million for the same time period. These numbers shine an extremely positive light upon the sector and evidence the impact of public leisure. Find out how much Social Value your sites are generating through the Social Value page in the Moving Communities platform.
Social Value is the term used for the health, well-being, educational and social benefits experienced by people, communities, and society through physical activity. The Social Value Calculator, now in its third release, was designed to give leisure operators (as well as local authorities, national funding bodies and stakeholders across the sector) a way of measuring and providing evidence for the Social Value created from investment in sport and physical activity. The Social Value Calculator has been concisely formulated in collaboration with Sheffield Hallam University and is able to monetise the Social Value created by participation in physical activity and leisure facilities.