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mental health (34)

The BCR Pair of ACEs tree image grew out of the need to illustrate the relationship between adversity within a family and adversity within a community. The leaves on the tree represent the ‘symptoms’ of ACEs that are easily recognized in clinical, educational and social service settings, such as a well child visit or a pre-school classroom. Adverse childhood experiences can increase a person’s risk for chronic stress and adverse coping mechanisms, and result in lifelong chronic illness such
Over the past few years, the field of social prescribing has grown rapidly and along with it, the need to capture and quantify the impact of social prescribing on individuals. There are challenges to integrating measurement into practice, especially for social prescribing. This is now a broad term which incorporates a range of conditions and situations that extend well beyond healthcare and into the wider determinants of health. Whilst we now have an agreed architecture in England, of social p
The study focused on older adults who had milder problems with memory and thinking skills. The researchers found that six months of moderate exercise -- walking or pedaling a stationary bike -- turned some of those issues around. Source: https://consumer.healthday.com/fitness-information-14/walking-health-news-288/just-6-months-of-walking-may-boost-aging-brains-740826.html (December 2018)
The requirement for an adult mental health needs assessment was identified as a part of the development of a new local Mental Health and Wellbeing strategy and commissioning plans. The key objectives are to understand how the mental health needs of Gloucestershire residents aged 18 years and over, current and future prevalence of mental wellbeing and mental illness and service provision in Gloucestershire align with each other and to highlight inequalities emerging from the lack of or inadequate