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bame (11)

Cycling has proved its worth during the pandemic, as a safe and socially distanced way for people to get exercise and as a means to travel to work and for other essential journeys. However, 74% of people from ethnic minority groups living in our 12 Bike Life cities and towns do not currently cycle. This compares to 37% of White people. Source: Sustrans, July 2020
To avoid being ‘just another’ diversity report, there are some points of difference from previous work in this area. We have sought to reframe the diversity debate so that rather than saying that the charity sector has a (‘racial’) diversity problem, we say that racism is a significant and unresolved issue in the charitable sector just as it is in the rest of society. Source: Acevo June 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a problem that has been with us for a long time. Results from COVID-19 research must apply to everyone in the community who will be a candidate for treatment or prevention, and BAME individuals—often over-represented in the toll of the disease—should be an integral part of that effort. Source: The Lancet, June 2020
Collective Skate Gal Club say they've taught 200 women how to ride, while creating a platform to promote women's rights. "Our generation have really stepped up the game – my grandmother didn’t have the opportunities that I have at my age." Akpene says. "Ultimately, it's about creating a community where people feel can be safe to try anything, to explore – to learn." Source: https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/4ag3pg/skate-gal-club-ghana-gender-equality-metoo-assault-survivors (February 2020)