Alan Inman-Ward's Articles (189)

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The social sector is being called to step into this moment and create a future that is dramatically different from our past. Will we choose to ask the questions traditional planning has encouraged us to ask, guided by the scarcity-driven assumption that the best we can do is react to our problems? Or will we ask questions that remove our blinders, revealing the whole picture of what is possible, and the dominoes that will turn that potential into reality? Source: SSIR, July 2020
The recent COVID-19 restrictions have profoundly impacted the way people live, work and travel as evidenced by the public’s desire to be more active, and the rise in popularity of cycling and walking (Sport England, 2020). Now, we can embed those changes in people’s travel behaviour, increase active travel, and transform permanently how many people move around, particularly in towns and cities. Source:, July 2020
UK Coaching has launched a new toolkit that will ensure the nation’s coaches are equipped with the knowledge and skills to provide great coaching experiences to others. And support them as coaches to better look after themselves as they return to coaching after COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed. Source: Activity Alliance, July 2020
As the Prime Minister set out his ambition for the country’s recovery in the West Midlands last week, the National Trust, the Mayor of the West Midlands, Sustrans, Create Streets and local council leaders[3] have written to him urging a £5.5billion commitment to an urban green infrastructure fund to level up access to urban green space as part of his “infrastructure revolution”. Source: National Trust, July 2020
BBS are pleased to announce the expansion of First Steps across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. First Steps is a project conceived by British Blind Sport to empower and encourage children between the ages of 3 – 11 years old with a visual impairment to develop their early developmental movement skills and to become physically active. Source: British Blind Sport