Alan Inman-Ward's Articles (189)

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This paper summarises key evidence relating to the impact of Covid-19 on children and young people. With an ever-changing landscape, limited ability to hear directly from children and with a narrow window for data capture, this document is “of the moment”, condensing the latest quantitative evidence from a range of external sources. Source: Youth Sport Trust, June 2020
By April, 2020, over 90% of the world's students were unable to physically attend school. Closures intended to slow the pandemic's spread have been controversial and distinctly double-edged.Children and adolescents should be involved in the rebuilding at every step and allowed to decide whether Gen C will stand for something more than coronavirus. Source: The Lancet, June 2020
To avoid being ‘just another’ diversity report, there are some points of difference from previous work in this area. We have sought to reframe the diversity debate so that rather than saying that the charity sector has a (‘racial’) diversity problem, we say that racism is a significant and unresolved issue in the charitable sector just as it is in the rest of society. Source: Acevo June 2020
Although the theme of the ‘local’ and ‘self-sufficient’ is the official line, the language adopted in the promotion of garden villages makes great play of their strategic location for long distance commuting, near such and such motorway junction or within easy reach of such and such fast road. The developments are generally in the wrong location for sustainable modes of transport. Land to build might be cheap in the middle of the countryside, with public money to ‘open up land’ by funding major