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research (185)

Source: Sport England April 2021


Active Lives Adult Survey Nov 19_20.pdf


The majority of physically active adults in England managed to maintain their habits despite the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, according to the latest Active Lives Adult Survey, with just 710,000 fewer active adults between November 2019 and November 2020 compared to the same period 12 months previously.

However, the first eight months

Physical activity lowered the risk of obesity. Children who were obese had functional limitations compared with healthy-weight children, but both groups enjoyed physical activity equally. Future studies are needed to determine barriers to participation among these children in recreation and sporting activities. Source: NCBI, October 2016
In this report, we share with you unique insights into the world of digital accessibility in the charity sector: the attitudes and behaviours of beneficiaries, the accessibility needs of those accessing your website, the impact of coronavirus and, ultimately,what you - as a forward-thinking charity - should do. Source: Charity Digital, July 2020
Cycling has proved its worth during the pandemic, as a safe and socially distanced way for people to get exercise and as a means to travel to work and for other essential journeys. However, 74% of people from ethnic minority groups living in our 12 Bike Life cities and towns do not currently cycle. This compares to 37% of White people. Source: Sustrans, July 2020