Louise Silver's Articles (243)

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Source: Sport and Recreatin Alliance 09.02.22



Despite COVID-19, some of the country’s largest sporting bodies invested £123.2m into the long-term development of their sports in the last year.

The commitment forms part of the Voluntary Code of Conduct on the Broadcasting of Major Sporting Events which requires signatories to put a minimum of 30% of net broadcasting revenues back into their respect

Source: Sport England 04.02.22



Team GB has sent a squad of 50 athletes to the Winter Olympics in China, which began this week. To make sports more accessible and inclusive Sport England funds national governing bodies including Snowsport England and British Ice Skating to help athletes qualify for the Games and invests in community facilities. The organisation’s Uniting the Movement is al

Source: Loughborough University 01.02.22



It is suggested around 80% of people will have given up on their new year resolutions by February. The reason motivation wanes is because people choose the wrong goals and motives to begin with. And research shows us that choosing the right type of goal is the key to keeping us motivated over the long term.

Dr Ian Taylor from Loughborough University gives three

Source: CIMSPA 26.01.22



CIMSPA (the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity) has launched ReEngage: a new, free, learning platform for anyone working in sport and physical activity in England. The platform, will provide the sector’s workforce with the skills and knowledge to help more people to get physical activity fo

Source: Ramblers.org 28.01.22



Walking outdoors grew during the pandemic and isn’t stopping. Ninety-two percent of UK adults agree it’s a popular, ‘on trend’ hobby, according to research conducted for the Ramblers. Over 78% felt their mental health would have suffered without walks whilst, 70% said that the simple pleasures of walking helped them to clear their head.

The new research also highlighted the value o

Source: Sport Wales 24.01.22


The Black Swimming Association (BSA) and Sport Wales have announced a new partnership, which aims to make swimming and other aquatic sports more ethnically diverse in Wales. A delivery manager will be responsible for developing the BSA’s existing aquatics programmes and engaging with ethnic minorities.

The BSA is also looking to address the racial inequalities in th

Source: Sport Wales 24.01.22

The Black Swimming Association (BSA) and Sport Wales have announced a new partnership, which aims to make swimming and other aquatic sports more ethnically diverse in Wales. A delivery manager will be responsible for developing the BSA’s existing aquatics programmes and engaging with ethnic minorities.

The BSA is also looking to address the racial inequalities in the UK’s aquatic workforce by increasing the number of people of Black and Asian heritage by 25% by 2024.

Source: Sport Wales 24.01.22



The Black Swimming Association (BSA) and Sport Wales have announced a new partnership, which aims to make swimming and other aquatic sports more ethnically diverse in Wales. A delivery manager will be responsible for developing the BSA’s existing aquatics programmes and engaging with ethnic minorities.

The BSA is also looking to address the racial inequalities in

Source: NCSEM 27.01.22


Research by academics at Nottingham Trent University and Loughborough University could improve the chances of success for the UK’s ‘Generation Z’ athletes – by helping them  to develop skills such as dealing with adversity and improving communication. The research aims to support coaches in bringing more psychosocial training to athletes’ development.

Generation Z has e

Source: The BMJ 26.01.22



Physical inactivity, an activity level insufficient to meet current recommendations, has a large impact on global public health, as it is one of the major risk factors for non-communicable diseases and is estimated to be responsible for 9% of all premature deaths globally. Physical activity, any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure, has been quantified with physical activity monito

Source: Parkinsons.org 18.01.22



Researchers in the Netherlands have discovered that regular exercise may improve Parkinson’s symptoms by creating connections between areas of the brain affected by the condition. The research involved a study called Park-in-Shape that compared the benefits of vigorous exercise to stretching over six months. 

One-hundred-and-thirty people took part, with half cycling on a stat

Source: Association for Physical Education 20.01.22



England Handball has launched a new initiative to help primary school teachers to encourage more young people to play Handball. The free Teach Handball hub, is a one-stop shop for everything teachers need to know about the sport including basic equipment, rules, FAQs, training opportunities and more.

The website c

Source: UK Sport 20.01.22



The second edition of UK Sport’s female coaches’ leadership programme, which forms part of a plan to more than double representation in the Olympic and Paralympic high-performance community in the three years from Tokyo to Paris, has begun.

A new set of 24 promising female coaches, from across 17 sports identified as having the potential to coach at Olympic level, will work wi

Researchers at Loughborough University are looking for participants to take part in a study looking at the effects of exercise on breast cancer cells. Research has shown that exercise can reduce the risk of developing 13 different cancers, including breast cancer, through altering proteins called cytokines and hormones in the blood. This exercise-induced change in these proteins may be able to prevent a key process in the development of cancer.

This study is investigating if exercised serum from

Source: Activity Alliance 20.01.22




A new report Understanding the physical activity needs o

Source: Gov.uk 22.01.22



Active Travel England (ATE), the government’s new cycling and walking executive agency has been launched with Olympic gold medallist and cyclist Chris Boardman as interim commissioner. The agency aims to create safer streets for cycling and walking to boost air quality and help improve the health and wellbeing of the nation.

Chris Boardman will

Source: Gov.UK 11.01.22



New data on children and young people’s physical activity in 2020 to 2021 has been added to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities' Physical Activity Tool which includes related risk factors and conditions such as obesity and diabetes.

The data shows that activity levels remain down compared to pre-pandemic b

Source: UK Active 12.01.22



A new report published by ukactive ‘Leading the Change: social prescribing within the fitness and leisure sector’, calls for the Government and its agencies to realise the potential of fitness and leisure facilities to support people through social p

Source: The Physiological Society / Centre for Ageing Better - Dec 2021

National-Post-Pandemic-Resilience-Programme_Dec 2021.pdf


The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a huge toll on lives and livelihoods in the UK and across the world. In addition to the direct consequences through lives lost and debilitating effects of Long COVID, the pandemic and lockdowns will have longterm effects on an array of public health issues. While the Omicron variant may yet require additional restrictions to be reintro

Source: NHS 24.12.21

B1160 - 2022-23 priorities and operational planning guidance_24 December 2021.pdf

Briefing ICS Timetable_.pdf

In 2022/23 the NHS will continue to rise to the challenges of restoring services, meeting the new care demands and reducing the care backlogs that are a direct consequence of
the pandemic. While the future pattern of COVID-19 transmission and the resulting demands on the NHS remain uncertain, we know we need to continue to increase our
capacity and resilience to delive